
hArst 4 Chirst

HARTS 4 CHRIST ministries will focus every poem, painting, play and production on the truth of God’s word, every act will be Christ centered. HARTS 4 CHRIST meets once a week to pray, practice and plan for upcoming events. In addition to meeting once a week we have a main event, or performance night once a month on the 3rd Friday from 8 to 11pm.
HARTS 4 CHRIST will hold and Art Show bi-annually, where Christian artist will be able to sell their work. This Art Show will be accompanied by live performances throughout the show. HARTS 4 CHRIST will also provide outreach activities as well as artistic materials for the body such as fliers, banners, murals, etc. Our goal is to bless God and His children.

PS 33:1 Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him. 2 Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. 4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.

Performers: Dance, Mime, etc.
Musicians: Those who use instruments to praise the Lord.
Singers: Those who use their voices and lyrics to glorify God.
Actors: Those who use their bodies to exalt the King of Kings.
Poets: Those who use spoken words to honor our heavenly Father.
Other: For any not mentioned.

Visual Artist
Painters: Those who use painted imagery to express God’s glory.
Sculptors: Those who build, mold, or carve 3d objects that honor Christ.
Media Artist: Those who use video and or audio to bring acclaim to The Lord. 
Graphic Designers: Those Who use graphical elements to worship Jesus.
Illustrators: Those who use drawn images to express adoration for God.
Other: For any not mentioned.

Directors: Those who are chosen to control or govern the affairs of a production or group with the intent to honor God.
Secretaries: Those who keep records, take minutes of the meetings, and answer correspondence all for Jesus.
Other: For any not mentioned.

General Laborers: Those who do work that require strength rather than technical expertise, but done to proclaim the name of Christ.

**Future Plans
 To be utilized by the Church to incorporate our Ministry into the main Sunday Church  Services, led and directed by Senior Pastoral Leadership.