Thursday, March 17, 2011

Open Mic at Round Table Pizza in Encinitas CA

I was thumbing through some ads one afternoon and came across a surprising discovery... Round Table Pizza has Open Mic night every Wednesday from 6-9pm at (1321 Encinitas Bvd. Encinitas CA 92024 760/753-8303).What??!!! Open Mic in Encinitas?? I have to admit I was shocked so I decided to check it out.... to see exactly what happening up here.
I arrived around 6:30p to a very large crowd of people having dinner and awaiting the show. The event has only been going on for 4 weeks and they are trying to drum up interest and have dedicated themselves to just showing up and doing their thing until others catch on....
I've got an idea!!! Why not have some of the talent from Creative Praise Open Mic come up and deliver God's word to the masses via their gift with those who may not know Him yet or been a long time since the heard about Him? Joyously we meet at SDBC in Mira Mesa every 3rd Friday with intent on delivering God's message through our gifts and talents to some who have heard it and some who may not have. I think this is a perfect outreach oppty to reach the lost, to bring glory to our King and to fulfill the Great commission of making Disciples of the Nations... this is a start.
Creative Praise wants to be more than a one church location ministry... we want to be out in the community sharing the truth with everyone who will listen about our Savior, Jesus the Christ, His endless love and limitless mercy for those He calls His own.
Recently at church, scripture jumped out at me and answered a question that I've longed to know exactly what God was talking about... Cain and Abel. Now I know that most of you reading this will say that Cain did not give his best and that's what upset God where as Abel did... he gave the fattest of the best of his cattle (yummy) but in 2 Samuel 24:24 it reads '...However, the king (David)said to Araunah, "No, but I will surely buy it (threshing floor and oxen) from you for a price, for I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God which cost me nothing...' WOW! That scripture exploded in my head... that is exactly what didn't happened to Cain... his offering cost him nothing. In my imagination I would think that he maybe went around the field where he farmed and picked up what had fallen from the trees... gathered a little this and a little of that where as Abel looked over all his herd.. looked for the very best, the plumpest and knew that it would be the right offering. HE GAVE HIS BEST and it cost him something! (Still blows my mind).
My Encouragement: Give God your best... let it cost you something... take that extra step... make an extra effort for Him. Look over what you have and see what is good and give to Him your SACRIFICE of praise. It may cost us boo's and jeer's or even unkind words; we may have to suffer separation or a little starvation (fasting) but there maybe someone, maybe just one somebody there who will be listening.. who will be hungry for the truth... searching for it and we can be there to deliver it.
Please contact me directly if you have an interest in serving at the Open Mic on any Wednesday night. I will be looking to lock in just one night a month for sure but I don't have a problem doing a little more for those who want to be apart of this.

Marion Birdine
hArts-4-Christ Promotions

For more information, contact us at or call Kenneth @ 619-592-3612.